Pre-Release Log #3

Welcome to the third of many logs for this mag-tastical cosy farming, game with it's own unique twist. 

As you may know, the general concept for this game, is that you are a survivor in an apocalyptic outburst of zombie mayhem. You as a survivor come across an unoccupied, un-inhabited farm. Which you claim as your own, to farm, expand, and defend with your own love and devotion. We hope it to become the next best game. 

We begun building this game during the CougarCup 2024 Game Jam, it is a week long jam. And if it does well within the jam, perhaps we will begin development and make it into the next best cosy farming survival game of the century. But until then, we hope you enjoy watching the development and playing the game. 

The Development;

Any who! On to what you came here for, the progress so far. 

We have established a name for this game. After long, hard and determined brain storming. We managed to conclude on one final name. We are proud to announce "Geoff's Last Stand", is now finally being developed. We do hope you enjoy the name, in connection with the game. 


What's been done?

Regarding this system, we have managed to implement the base standard for the farming aspect of the game. We've created 3 different items, which the player can purchase and farm accordingly. We have enabled the plants to have a total of 3 different stages. Each stage lasts for the same length as the previous stage. We have also included, a simple yet useful particle system to bring the players attention to when the crop has finished growing. And we have also implemented a harvesting aspect. Which allows the farming system to technically come to an end, as it is functional at it's current standard. However, we do wish to add more to it, and that can be listed below. 

What's yet to be done?

Regarding this system, we have yet to implement;
- Audio for planting and harvesting the crops.
- The crops to be drop onto the floor, for pickup & storage. We could do it so it goes straight into the inventory but we thought it best if you get to collect the produce manually. 
- A currency for the crops. This could be considered more of a shop element, but we still need to add a currency value to each farmable produce. 

And that is basically everything left to do for the farming system. 

The Shop;

What's been done?

Regarding this system, we have managed to implement the base standard for the shop aspect. Being, a shop home screen, with categories to choose, and a few items to buy. These items being, a few crops. 

What's yet to be done?

Regarding this system, we have yet to implement; 
- All farmable crop seeds
- Weapons to buy
- Armour to purchase
- Potions to buy

And that is basically everything left to do for the shop system. 

Next Time;

Now, that today has drawn to a close in regard to development and progress as well as daylight. What we will do next time, is establish the basics of the enemy wave based attacking system. The intention is that the player will have 5 minutes to prepare, build defences and farm for money so that they can buy items for better security. I think we shall decrease the time the have the further into the game they get, to make it more difficult. If we manage to build this with effective haste, then we shall also attempt to implement a player attacking system so that they can defend their home.

Get Kade's Last Stand

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