Pre-Release Log #2

Welcome to the second of many logs for this mag-tastical cosy farming, game with it's own unique twist. 

As you may know, the general concept for this game, is that you are a survivor in an apocalyptic outburst of zombie mayhem. You as a survivor come across an unoccupied, un-inhabited farm. Which you claim as your own, to farm, expand, and defend with your own love and devotion. We hope it to become the next best game. 

We begun building this game during the CougarCup 2024 Game Jam, it is a week long jam. And if it does well within the jam, perhaps we will begin development and make it into the next best cosy farming survival game of the century. But until then, we hope you enjoy watching the development and playing the game. 

The Development;

Anywho! On to what you came here for, the progress so far. 

So, the development for this, yet to be named, game continued on the Monday 20th September. 

Health & Stamina;

The first thing we accomplished today was the start and completion of the Health and Stamina UI bars, as well as their respective functionality. The health bar, takes damage when it is called. And it will heal once it's called too. Then same for the stamina, except the stamina regens gradually when the player is not sprinting. 


The currency was next. This was simple, just need some visual displays. Then 2 functions one for adding to the currency, the next for removing the currency. Then we also needed to constantly update the visual UI element of the currency.

Level Design;

Now. The Level Design. So far today, I've only added a footpath, and a market stall into the design. 


We have also decided to replace the character to a more, normal human like character. The one we had was kid sized compared to the level design, so we would have needed to scale everything down by half, and we thought that'd get annoying so instead we have found a character to replace the current one with. Let's hope it looks the same. 


I will not lie to you. Majority of today was spent attempting to improve the Inventory system to allow for item stacking. However due to many system arrangements, and errors. We failed to implement this. And as a result of our failure for this system, we have decided to put this upgrade on hold, until we have some of the main game functionality implemented. As we haven't even started working on the farming aspect of this cosy farmer game. 


After realising the failure of the inventory upgrade, we began working on the actual farming aspect of this here game. And it got as far as re-arranging the camera from third person to be first person, as the way we intended to do the farming system would not work if the game was 3rd person. Then, we created a raycast to act as the interaction between the player, and the farm land object. And that's as far as the farming implementation went. 

The Shop;

After progressing the farming a tiny bit, we realised we needed a shop first. So that the player can start with a little bit of money, to buy some basic crops, and to buy some farm land. So with this new found realisation we began creating the visual display for the shop. And plotting in our mind on how to achieve the desired out come. 


Now, that today has drawn to a close in regard to development and progress as well as daylight. What we will do tomorrow, is first we intend to complete the shop buying and selling systems. The shop is planned to have a buying section, where the player can buy land, farm land, crops, and tools / weapons, and a selling system where players can sell all of which they can buy. However, we will only implement the bare minimum for the game to function as we do only have 1 week in total to get the game to a functional standard. After the shop is working and in a functional state, we will finish work upon the farming aspect of the game. And then if there is time at the end, we shall begin the enemy systems. 

Get Kade's Last Stand

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