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Good concept!

Here are some ways I think you can improve the game:

  • Start menu should be more colourful: even a still image beats a black screen
  • Add clickable button alternatives for some keybinds; it was hard for me, a new player, to remember all of them. You could also have a “controls” infobox on screen instead of putting them in a menu sidebar.
  • Perhaps make the skybox more interesting, or add some terrain features

Thank You for your feedback! I do appreciate it. I'll get to work on incorporating your feedback suggestions as soon as possible.

If you haven't already, can you fill in the first part of our survey, as the information is for my universe course thanks!
Email is not mandatory on the form. 

There are a few bugs/user pain points I discovered while playing. 

1. I don't really understand the first screen? It isn't explained what "Scene1" and "Scene2" buttons do or mean.

2.After clicking Scene1, I pressed space, started flying, and had no way to get back down.

3.Player should be able to access an Input screen of some kind, so they know what each button does, in-game.

4.I pressed TAB & ESC and nothing popped up? ( but the game still paused ), was there suppose to be a menu there?

(1 edit)

Thank You for playing and giving me some feedback. 

If you haven't already, can you fill in the first part of our survey, as the information is for my universe course thanks!
Email is not mandatory on the form. 

1. I will add a more detailed explanation. But the difference is UI versions, scene 1 is built with a 2D UI and Scene 2 is built with a 3D UI. I built them both as a comparison for my university project. 

2. I believe if memory serves correctly, C or Left Control will bring you back to the floor. I'll add it to the controls list if it isn't there. 

3. If you go on the pause menu there should be one there, if not then I forgot to add one and will get to work on it as soon as possible. 

4. Ah! Yeah there is meant to be a menu.. Either you was in destroy mode, or it bugged out. if you click Q it enables a mode of destruction and when in this mode you can't open the build menu.. should still be able to open the pause menu.. I'll look into it thanks. 

Once again thank you for playing. 

This lacks any form of game loop. Why am I building?
Neat concept to build from the ground though!

Thank you, I’ll be sure to improve the game based upon your feedback.

Thanks for playing.